Pay for what you used and get started as little as €0.064 with. Stop anytime.
Instance Type | Instance Location | CubedAI Hourly Price |
Standard: vCPU:2 Memory:8GB Intel Xeon | US East (N.Virginia) | €0.064 |
Standard: vCPU:4 Memory:16GB Intel Xeon | US East (N.Virginia) | €0.4 |
Standard: vCPU:8 Memory:32GB Intel Xeon | US East (N.Virginia) | €0.8 |
Accelerated: vCPU:4 Memory 8GB Inferentia:1 | US East (N.Virginia) | €0.5 |
Accelerated: vCPU:4 Memory 16GB Inferentia:1 | US East (N.Virginia) | €1.79 |
Accelerated: vCPU:4 Memory 16GB GPU:1 NVIDIA T4 | US East (N.Virginia) | €1.5 |
Accelerated: vCPU:8 Memory 32GB GPU:1 NVIDIA T4 | US East (N.Virginia) | €1.8 |
Accelerated: vCPU:16 Memory 64GB GPU:1 NVIDIA T4 | US East (N.Virginia) | €3.01 |
Standard: vCPU:2 Memory:8GB Intel Xeon | Europe (Frankfurt) | €0.075 |
Standard: vCPU:4 Memory:16GB Intel Xeon | Europe (Frankfurt) | €0.3 |
Standard: vCPU:8 Memory:32GB Intel Xeon | Europe (Frankfurt) | €1.01 |
Accelerated: vCPU:4 Memory 16GB GPU:1 NVIDIA T4 | Europe (Frankfurt) | €1.8 |
Accelerated: vCPU:8 Memory 32GB GPU:1 NVIDIA T4 | Europe (Frankfurt) | €2.21 |
Accelerated: vCPU:16 Memory 64GB GPU:1 NVIDIA T4 | Europe (Frankfurt) | €3.49 |
Before deploying your model, you need to add credits to your account. We will charge you hourly from your credit balance in your account as much as your deployed model is active.
Each instance type has own hourly price and you can multiply it with number of predicted hours to find cost of running your model. For example, if your instance price is $0.22 and you want to know how much it costs to run for a month then, total monthly cost = 0.22 x 720 (number of hours in a month) = $158,4
No, you will pay only with credits in your account. If your credits are over, your models status will be paused. If you don't want interruption of your model status when your credits are over, you can can contact us to pass 'Unlimited' package.
Currently, we only accept payments using credit cards.
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