We are providing infrastructure
for businesses to integrate AI into their applications with no-code environment

Environment for your AI applications

Just with couple of clicks ready to run predictions

CubedAI provides no-code platform to deploy models trained using your favorite frameworks.

Well-known frameworks

Deploy models trained using your favorite frameworks as TensorFlow, PyTorch

Low Latency

Choose servers close to your clients

Easy connection

Get API endpoint to connect your mode


Variety of computational instances for your need

How It Works

Just 3 simple and quick steps to have a
model makes predictions in production

1Deploy Model

Fill the model deployment form and upload your model files

2Get API endpoint

After deployment get successful, choose model in your workspace and get API key

3Run predictions

Send request to API endpoint with your input data and receive predictions

Why CubedAI?

All-in-one solution which doesn't require previous experience

No complex development components

Simple user interface for deployment pipelines without coding

No hidden costs

Pay only for as much as computational power used, we don't charge you for the number of requests, data storage and monitoring

No vendor lock

We don't require any commitment. You don't need to put months of effort and costs to build and start

Dedicated Technical Support

We always provide technical support to get best experience of our platform

Pricing Plan

Ready to Get Started? Don't Worry,
We charge you as much as CPU/GPU instances used with transparent pricing without hidden costs

Get started FREE, No Commitment and Subscription, Use Trial Credits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions?

Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on CubedAI platform. If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, just Contact us

This platform is for users who may not have technical expertise in Machine Learning Operations but need to deploy machine learning or AI models, and develop infrastructure. It’s also suitable for data scientists, business analysts, and anyone looking to expedite the model deployment process

Our platform supports a variety of model types, including regression models, classification models, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision models, etc.

You can deploy models via REST API, integrate them into web or mobile applications, or use them in real-time analytics dashboards.

Yes, you can use the API endpoints generated after deployment to integrate your models into existing applications or workflows.

Here’s Why We Are Loved


“CubedAI has transformed how businesses approach AI deployment with its intuitive no-code platform.”

Ivar Krustok@Delfi Media

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